Baltic-Finnic influence in the sphere of Northern Russian grammar: Causative verbs and substrate models
Sergey Myznikov
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia / Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract: The work is devoted to the study of the results of the Baltic-Finnic language influence on the Northern Russian dialects in the grammatical sphere. It is noted that in the presence of causative indicators, a number of verbs have direct semantic correspondences in the Baltic-Finnic sources. Some Russian dialectal verbs that have a causative meaning, in the presence of a causative marker forming a pair: causative verb versus non-causative verb, are units formed already on Russian soil, although they also have semantic correspondences in the Baltic-Finnic languages. The most frequent use of verbs with a causative formant is in the western part of the Northern Russian dialects — in the Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas, which in most cases is associated with direct adstratal contacts with the Vepsian-Karelian dialects.
Keywords: Baltic-Finnish, grammar, verb, causative, substrate, Northern Russian, dialect
For citation: Myznikov S. Baltic-Finnic influence in the sphere of Northern Russian grammar: Causative verbs and substrate models. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2024. Vol. 7, iss. 2. Pp. 60–79. (In Rus.). doi:10.37632/PI.2024.71.84.004