Linguistic typology and its applications
Ekaterina Lyutikova1, Anton Zimmerling2
1Lomonosov Moscow State University / 2Pushkin State Russian Language Institute / 2Institute of Linguistics RAS
Abstract: We discuss the intersections of linguistic typology with other branches of linguistics and outline several research fields where the implementation of the parametric approach in typology is appropriate. The paper develops the idea of a typologically-oriented and typologically-informed research direction in the field of linguistics of specific languages and language groups, contrastive linguistics, areal linguistics, diachronic linguistics, computational linguistics, and translation studies.
Keywords: linguistic typology, grammatical theory, areal linguistics, language diversity, parametric grammar, description, explanation, comparative concepts
For citation: Lyutikova E., Zimmerling A. Linguistic typology and its applications. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2024. Vol. 7, iss. 2. Pp. 13–21. doi:10.37632/PI.2024.53.62.001