On the influence of genetic relatedness of languages on the quality of cross-lingual transfer of automatic semantic annotation

Alexandra Ivoylova
Russian State University for the Humanities

Abstract: This paper is dedicated to the analysis of the results of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer of linguistic annotation in the CoBaLD standard from Russian to genetically related and unrelated languages. It appears that the quality of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer depends on genetic relatedness of donor and recipient languages as well as on the amount of training data for a language in the language model used as a backbone for the parser.

Keywords: automatic semantic annotation, linguistic annotation, cross-lingual transfer

For citation: Ivoylova A. On the influence of genetic relatedness of languages on the quality of cross-lingual transfer of automatic semantic annotation. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2024. Vol. 7, iss. 2. Pp. 43–59. doi:10.37632/PI.2024.69.51.003