Some modifications to Bassi’s theory of fake indexicals

Daniel Tiskin
HSE University, St. Petersburg

Abstract: Fake indexicals (FIs), or bound-variable uses of e.g. 1st- and 2nd-person pronouns, have been analysed by Bassi (2021) as arising from a post-syntactic process of inspecting the features of the referent. This leads to a peculiar analysis of the syntax and semantics of relative clauses containing FIs. I argue for a more traditional analysis (of some of the examples) based on data from Russian. However, Bassi’s post-syntactic proposal is valuable as it can be extended not only to reflexives (as Bassi himself notes) but also to bound uses of R-expressions, which are then analysed as pronouns whose exponence is post-syntactically set to be a copy of their antecedent.

Keywords: fake indexicals, binding, φ-features, relative clauses, Russian

For citation: Tiskin D. Some modifications to Bassi’s theory of fake indexicals. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2024. Vol. 7, iss. 1. Pp. 107–123. (In Rus.). doi:10.37632/PI.2024.40.40.005