Pronominal doubling and “Concerning” constructions as topic marking

Alina Khurges
Independent scholar

Abstract: In this paper I argue that an approach based on the locus of marking (in which marking may be associated with the topic constituent itself or with the entire construction) may be applied not only to dedicated topic markers, but to some other constructions typically analyzed separately, namely, to constructions where the topic constituent is doubled by a pronoun, and to constructions similar to the English “concerning X” construction. I describe the variation these types of constructions show (including the variation in how similar they are to clear segmental topic marking strategies) and the problems they pose for analysis.

Keywords: topic, topic marking, locus of marking

For citation: Khurges A. Pronominal doubling and “Concerning” constructions as topic marking. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2024. Vol. 7, iss. 1. Pp. 124–137. doi:10.37632/PI.2024.51.34.006