Khwarshi spatial forms in the context of intragenetic typology

Ekaterina Lyutikova
Lomonosov Moscow State University / Pushkin State Russian Language Institute

Abstract: In this paper, I propose the analysis of the system of Khwarshi nominal and adverbial spatial forms based on the intragenetic typology of locative forms in Northeast Caucasian. Spatial forms attested in the corpus of Khwarshi texts are subsumed under a compositional model of the locative system which includes, in addition to localization and direction markers, also optional approximation markers. The system attested in Khwarshi differs from approximative systems of other Tsezic languages in that the same morphemes can function both as localizations and as approximating operators.

Keywords: spatial forms, localization, approximation, intragenetic typo­logy, Khwarshi

For citation: Lyutikova Е. Khwarshi spatial forms in the context of intragenetic typology. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2022. Vol. 5, iss. 1. Pp. 56–71. (In Rus.)