The system of clitics in the language of Old Scandinavian law codes

Anton Zimmerling1, Dmitrij Dahin2
1Pushkin State Russian Language Institute / 1Moscow Pedagogical State University / 1Institute of Linguistics RAS / 2Independent Scholar

Abstract. This paper is addressed the word order parameters constraining the positions of the finite verb and the sententional clitics in a group of Old Scandinavian regional law codes of the XIII–XIV centuries ― Old Grágás (Old Icelandic), Gulathingslag (Old West Norwegian), Guta lag (Old Gutnish), Äldre Vestgötalagen (Old Swedish) and Jyske Lov (Old Danish). We argue that all these Old Scandinavian languages pattern with the V1/V2 and CL2/CL3 types.

Keywords: word order, branching, clause structure, 2P languages, V2, clitics, clitic templates, verb, finiteness, Old Scandinavian languages

For citation: Zimmerling A., Dahin D. The system of clitics in the language of Old Scandinavian law codes. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2018. Vol. 1, iss. 2. Pp. 153–176. (In Rus.)