Complement clauses of nouns in Russian

Alexander Letuchiy
National Research University Higher School of Economics

Abstract. The article focuses on complement clauses of nominalizations (deverbal and deadjectival nouns) in Russian. It is proposed that several parameters, such as semantic role, the opposition of proper argument vs. modifier, the opposition of complex event vs. result nominals are necessary to account for the distribution of nouns that take vs. do not take complement clauses, and neither of them accounts for the whole distribution. In the end I propose a new parameter, namely, the opposition of situation proper vs. occurrence that, perhaps, can cover the widest range of nouns and their properties.

Keywords: complement clauses, nominalizations, Russian, argument, modifier, semantic role, occurrence, complex event nominal, result nominal

For citation: Letuchiy A. Complement clauses of nouns in Russian. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2018. Vol. 1, iss. 2. Pp. 46–66.